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We unlock enterprise value by amplifying leaders and investors effectiveness at building sustainably profitable, action-driving differentiation in fiercely competitive markets.

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We illuminate a new sense of what’s possible.

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Utilizing a series of deeply insightful perspectives and techniques, MMA collaborates with company leaders, boards, and investors to identify and elevate the most meaningful and motivating benefits their products, services and experiences can provide. Our approach harmonizes functional, emotional, and psychological customer wins, creating a critically focused lens through which everything the organization does can be shaped and evaluated.


That lens is your Brand -- turbocharged for maximum connection-making power.


MMA’s Brand strategy guidance extend well beyond conventional notions of integration. We tap into the deep drivers of customer choice and behavior to tilt competitive playing fields decisively in our clients’ favor.

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We are experts at helping businesses and brands realize their full potential.

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MMA introduces Brand with a capital B™ -- an advanced and highly actionable framework and roadmap for developing or accelerating significant, action-motivating differentiation. 


Our proven expertise in how brands drive behavior and enrich lives extends beyond the visible expressions of Brand. Our work impacts HR, recruitment, training, operations, customer service, and culture development as much as it helps shape product, service, and program innovation, 2D and 3D design, and all forms of marketing and communications.

At the core of the Brand with a capital B framework is MMA’s pioneering Brand Genome™ construct and methodology which have consistently catalyzed notable success across a wide range of industries, market conditions, company lifestages, and organizational structures. Our work applies equally to B2C and B2B.


Laser-focused on categories and segments where customers have abundance of choice, Brand with a Capital B consistently ensures delivery of the  meaningful, sustainable differentiation essential for achieving critical objectives. 


MMA's results are not just impactful --  they are durable and transformative.

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Brand Strategy Consulting
For companies of all sizes and lifestages
  • Development  •  Evolution  •  Acceleration  

  Optimizing Digital Marketing ROI

                  Applying overarching Brand strategy as a                "central guidance mechanism"


 Leadership & Board Advisory

      Providing multifaceted strategic guidance for executives, investors, and boards

Advanced Custom Market Research

       Comprehensive qualitative and quantitative          research solutions

Non-Executive Board Director

Bringing independent,  high-level insight and experience to board decisions 

Brand Storytelling Frameworks

     Foundational core narratives as inputs for exceptional creative development

      Brand with a capital B and Brand Genome         Introduction, Coaching, and Mentoring

             Guiding leaders and their teams in applying                our proprietary frameworks and methodologies for optimum results

 Agency and Resource Identification

             Connecting companies with the right partners               to create success across media and platforms


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Michael Markowitz, Founder and President

Michael Markowitz is a seasoned strategist focused on creating action-driving differentiation for products, services, experiences, and organizations - particularly in industries and categories where customers are inundated with choice.

Since founding MMA, Michael's, deep insights into addressing core human needs through the seemingly prosaic entities called “brands” have inspired countless leaders, their teams, and investors.

Beginning his career as a music industry entrepreneur, Michael went on to become a dynamic leader in the global advertising industry. He led two Ogilvy agencies: Euramerica in New York and Ogilvy & Mather East Africa in Nairobi, Kenya. 


As the advertising business shifted away from unique client-agency partnerships in favor of industrial buyer-vendor models, Michael founded MMA to advance his work in brand and enterprise differentiation and to nurture the rich professional relationships that have defined his career.

Michael brings to the table a unique blend of high-level strategic insight, fresh perspectives, and hands on experience in the day-to-day realities of businesses and organizations. He and MMA's team of seasoned subject matter experts focus on concrete, measurable outcomes, while fostering a lasting understanding of how an elevated view of Brand can consistently drive competitive advantage.

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Non-confidential details of our work for these and other clients are available.

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Michael is without peer in his understanding of how brands work and how to make them work better. He’s a substantive storyteller, gifted at getting to the root of the best expression of a brand and the best way to bind a customer to that brand. I’ve been his colleague and his client over a span of 20 years, and he’s perennially at the top of my “people I need to work with again” list.

Neal Yanofsky

Independent Strategy Consultant & Board Member

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For more information or an initial conversation please get in touch.

Thank you!

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